What Your Marketing Consultant Needs to Know from You to Be Effective in PPC

Here is a list of questions I just sent to a client who asked me to help him with Adwords.

It’s pretty standard that these are my questions… I’ve anonymized a little of this, but I think some of you may read this over and consider whether you’ve told YOUR marketing professional about all of this. If not, get on it. It can only improve your relationship with them and increase the effectiveness of your campaigns.

  • Before I create a new account for you, do you already have an active account with Google Adwords?
  • What is your target market exactly? Do you have any market research that I should see? Who is absolutely never your target market?
  • How are your prospects finding you right now?
  • What action are you hoping your interested first-time visitors will do? What is the eventual outcome of that if everything goes according to plan? Does your website currently make that easy?
  • What are your different offerings? Do you have unique pages on your website for each of these offerings, and unique ways to sign up for them individually?
  • How do you compare to your major competitors? What sets you apart from your competition? Do you already have any marketing tools either online or offline to communicate these differences? Do you presently make it easy to compare side by side?
  • How have your marketing campaigns online gone? Any pitfalls or lessons learned?


There are so many next steps, and so much more data I should know, but these are a good start to making sure your money gets well spent., and I can use my abilities to really forward your goals.
‘, ‘What a marketing consultant really needs to know to help you with Adwords…

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