Is Registering my Website Still Important?

In a word, YES. Despite what you’ve heard, websites still need to be registered. I don’t know how many times I’ve said this to a client. Trusted links from human-reviewed directories or domain verified listings are very useful to bots. They show you’re trustworthy, real, and provide uniquely useful meta-information to the search engines about …

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What is Social Media Good For?

What is Social Media? ‘Social Media’ is a popular buzzword for a large number of connectivity tools that allow you to form a direct connection with nearly anyone who has a computer, tablet, or a web-enabled cell phone. Almost everyone with these tools has an account at one or more of the following, where you …

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Monitoring your Online Reputation Isn’t Optional

Where do people go in ever increasing numbers to buy products and services these days?

That’s right! Online. OK, we all knew that one.

Where do people go to research those products by talking to their friends, getting peer to peer reviews, and reading up on what’s said about a product or service?

Again, the answer is (drumroll please) … Online. You were right!

Where do people spend almost all their facetime speaking directly to others these days?

Wow! Right again! Online. Email’s getting less and less popular as the means for this direct communication to friends. In fact, it’s been shown in 2010 that people now spend 80% of their online time on social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter. These social networks have systems for sending direct communication (email, instant messages, direct messages) that don’t get spammed so that’s where people usually talk to each other.

Think about that: 80% of time online. That is a huge change in a very short time.

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How to Make PPC Ads Work for You?

How can you achieve success in Pay Per Click?

0. Get your website ready.

Make sure your website is ready to accept leads and has pages set up that contain good content about everything you do. I know this isn’t about pay per click marketing specifically, but you’re not ready for pay per click marketing if you aren’t ready to put your best foot forward and truly inform a visitor about why you are the best choice for them on a particular subject matter. And then your website must make it easy to become a lead.

Oftentimes, I am brought in when conversions are just not happening. I am then asked to review a marketing account for problems that is for the most part set up fine; it is the website itself that does not do what it needs to to turn a prospect into a customer. And that is far more expensive in the end than throwing money at pay-per-click. If it never converts a pay per click visitor, it’s not going to convert a less motivated visitor either.


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