Do you collect email addresses? You’re about to start getting an error message.

If your website is not already on HTTPS instead of HTTP, any forms on your website, any and every form, will start showing error messages. Chrome is implementing, and other browsers will surely follow suit. How do you solve this? Immediately upgrade you hosting so that your site has a security certificate (SSL) and change …

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TweetAdder Alternative now that Twitter Automation Tools are going dead

So, Tweet Adder is dead, even for those who it was still working for – on the original license type. There were 16 licenses owned by clients, all of which suddenly went silent and had invalid licenses as of yesterday. Checked a few other tools that used to be pretty well liked, and they’re all …

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A shiny new MySpace

In case you can still remember your password, myspace has relaunched. New intent aside, the core functions are a lot swankier and polished than facebook, and much classier than their familiar old look. I was pleasantly surprised when I arrived today after a friend pointed out that they’d received an invite. That indicated that the …

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